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What is Apple airdrop?

Apple AirDrop is a native feature in iOS and OS X that lets users share data from one device to another on the same Wi-Fi network. AirDrop allows users to share photos, videos, websites and locations between devices that are up to about 30 feet apart.

How do I airdrop a photo?

If you share a photo from the Photos app, you can swipe left or right and select multiple photos. Tap the AirDrop button. Tap the AirDrop user that you want to share with. Or you can use AirDrop between your own Apple devices. If you see a red numbered badge on the AirDrop button, there are multiple devices nearby that you can share with.

How far does airdrop work?

The maximum distance two devices can be apart and still AirDrop files is about 30 feet. Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth must be active for the transfer. Was this page helpful?

Who can see my device using airdrop?

Contacts Only: Only your contacts can see your device. Everyone: All nearby Apple devices using AirDrop can see your device. When you set your AirDrop option to Everyone in iOS 16.2 or later, your option will revert to Contacts Only after 10 minutes.

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